What are distros/distributions?

Understanding Linux Distributions (Distros) and Their Role in the Linux Ecosystem

If you’ve ever dived into the world of Linux, you’ve probably come across the term “distribution,” or “distro” for short. For someone new to Linux, these terms might seem a bit confusing at first, especially when you’re trying to understand how they differ from the Linux kernel itself. This article will break down what a Linux distribution is, how it relates to the Linux kernel, and the key differences between the two in very simple terms.

#### What Is an Operating System?

Before we get into distributions, let’s start with the basics: What is an operating system (OS)? An operating system is the software that acts as the brain of your computer. It manages all the hardware (like your keyboard, mouse, and screen) and software (like your apps and games) on your device. Essentially, it’s the layer that allows you to interact with your computer and run programs.

Common examples of operating systems are iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, macOS, DOS, and Unix.

#### What Is Linux?

Linux is a kernel which runs an operating system, just like Windows and macOS. However, Linux is a bit different from those two in a couple of important ways.

Firstly, Linux is open-source. This means that anyone can look at, modify, and distribute its code. This is in contrast to something like Windows, where the code is locked down and dictated entirely by Microsoft. Because Linux is open-source, it has fostered a large, vibrant community of developers and users who contribute to its development.

Secondly, Linux by itself is just a kernel.

The kernel is the core part of an operating system that manages the computer’s hardware and resources. It’s like the engine in a car – it’s crucial, but it’s not the whole vehicle. For a car to be drivable, it needs seats, a steering wheel, pedals, and other components. Similarly, to create a fully functional operating system, the Linux kernel needs additional software like system tools, user interfaces, and applications.

#### So, What Is a Linux Distribution?

This is where distributions, or “distros,” come into play. A Linux distribution is a complete operating system package that includes the Linux kernel and all the additional software needed to make it useful and user-friendly. Think of it as a fully assembled car with everything included – not just the engine, but also the seats, dashboard, steering wheel, and so on.

Each distribution may package the Linux kernel with different sets of tools, user interfaces, and applications, depending on the specific goals and target users of the distro.

#### Why Are There So Many Linux Distributions?

One thing that often confuses newcomers is the sheer number of Linux distributions available. There are hundreds of them, if not literally speaking thousands, each with its own name, features, and purpose. The reason there are so many is due to the flexibility and openness of Linux. If you want it, you probably can get it. Isn’t that awesome?

Different developers and communities have different needs and preferences, so they create distributions tailored to specific tasks, user experiences, or hardware. For example:

– **Ubuntu**: This is one of the most popular Linux distributions, known for being user-friendly and a great choice for beginners. It comes with a polished desktop environment and a wide range of pre-installed software.
– **Fedora**: Fedora is known for being cutting-edge, sometimes known as a rolling release, often including the latest software and features. It’s popular among developers and tech enthusiasts.
– **Arch Linux**: Arch is for advanced users who prefer to customize every aspect of their operating system. It provides a minimal base, and users build their OS by choosing exactly what they want. And again, it’s a rolling release!
– **Raspberry Pi OS**: This distribution is specifically designed for the Raspberry Pi, a small, affordable computer used in educational projects and DIY electronics.

#### The Crucial Difference Between an Operating System and a Distribution

Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s important to understand the key distinction between an operating system and a distribution.

– **Operating System**: In the context of Linux, when we say “operating system,” we’re usually referring to the Linux kernel itself – the core part of the system that interacts directly with the hardware.
– **Distribution (Distro)**: A distribution, on the other hand, is a full package that includes the Linux kernel along with other software and tools that turn it into a usable operating system for everyday tasks.

So, when someone says they’re using “Linux,” what they really mean is that they’re using a Linux distribution. The distribution determines the user interface, the pre-installed applications, and the overall experience.

#### Why Should You Care About Distributions?

If you’re considering using Linux, choosing the right distribution is important because it is fun, for one thing, plus it can significantly affect your experience. Different distributions offer different features, levels of support, and user interfaces. Some are tailored for beginners, while others are designed for advanced users or specific tasks like running servers or programming. Think of it like you know you want a soda, but that’s not specific enough. Do you want a rootbeer, or do you want a Dr Pepper?

If you’re new to Linux, a beginner-friendly distribution like Ubuntu or Ubuntu-Mate might be a good starting point. If you’re a programmer or someone who likes to tinker with every detail, you might enjoy something like Fedora or Arch Linux.

#### Conclusion

To sum it up, a Linux distribution is a complete operating system package that includes the Linux kernel plus other software and tools that make it functional and user-friendly. The Linux kernel itself is just the core part of the operating system, but without additional components, it wouldn’t be very useful on its own.

By understanding the difference between the Linux kernel (the core of the operating system) and a Linux distribution (a full operating system package), you can better appreciate the flexibility and diversity that the Linux ecosystem offers. Whether you’re a beginner looking for a simple, user-friendly experience or an expert seeking a highly customizable environment, there’s a Linux distribution out there that’s perfect for you.

Here’s one final example. Car, van, truck, motor bike, scooter, airplane are operating systems. Ford, Hondah, Dodge, Porsh, Cadillac are distros. In other words, cars have many different types. Vans have many different types. The main type of vehicle is the OS, where the make/model is the distro itself.